Transforming images on the fly

What you as an end-user of an Imbo installation will be doing most of the time, is working with images. This is what Imbo was originally made for, and this chapter includes details about all the different image transformations Imbo supports.

All image transformations can be triggered by specifying the t query parameter. This parameter must be used as an array so that you can provide several image transformations. The transformations will be applied to the image in the same order as they appear in the URL. Each element in this array represents a single transformation with optional parameters, specified as a string. If the t query parameter is not an array or if any of its elements are not strings, Imbo will respond with HTTP 400.

Below you will find all image transformations supported “out of the box”, along with their parameters. Some transformations are rarely used with HTTP GET, but are instead used by event listeners that transform images when they are added to Imbo (HTTP POST). If this is the case it will be mentioned in the description of the transformation.

Auto rotate image based on EXIF data - t[]=autoRotate

This transformation will auto rotate the image based on EXIF data stored in the image. This transformation is rarely used per request, but is typically used by the Auto rotate image event listener when adding images to Imbo.


  • t[]=autoRotate

Add an image border - t[]=border

This transformation will apply a border around the image.


Color of the border in hexadecimal. Defaults to 000000 (You can also specify short values like f00 (ff0000)).
Width of the border in pixels on the left and right sides of the image. Defaults to 1.
Height of the border in pixels on the top and bottom sides of the image. Defaults to 1.
Mode of the border. Can be inline or outbound. Defaults to outbound. Outbound places the border outside of the image, increasing the dimensions of the image. inline paints the border inside of the image, retaining the original width and height of the image.


  • t[]=border
  • t[]=border:mode=inline
  • t[]=border:color=000
  • t[]=border:color=f00,width=2,height=2

Expand the image canvas - t[]=canvas

This transformation can be used to change the canvas of the original image.


Width of the surrounding canvas in pixels. If omitted the width of <image> will be used.
Height of the surrounding canvas in pixels. If omitted the height of <image> will be used.
The placement mode of the original image. free, center, center-x and center-y are available values. Defaults to free.
X coordinate of the placement of the upper left corner of the existing image. Only used for modes: free and center-y.
Y coordinate of the placement of the upper left corner of the existing image. Only used for modes: free and center-x.
Background color of the canvas. Defaults to ffffff (also supports short values like f00 (ff0000)).


  • t[]=canvas:width=200,mode=center
  • t[]=canvas:width=200,height=200,x=10,y=10,bg=000
  • t[]=canvas:width=200,height=200,x=10,mode=center-y
  • t[]=canvas:width=200,height=200,y=10,mode=center-x

Compress the image - t[]=compress

This transformation compresses images on the fly resulting in a smaller payload. It is advisable to only use this transformation in combination with an image type in the URL (for instance .jpg or .png). This transformation is not applied to images of type image/gif.


The level of the compression applied to the image. The effect this parameter has on the image depends on the type of the image. If the image in the response is an image/jpeg a high level means high quality, usually resulting in larger files. If the image in the response is an image/png a high level means high compression, usually resulting in smaller files. If you do not specify an image type in the URL the result of this transformation is not deterministic as clients have different preferences with regards to the type of images they want to receive (via the Accept request header).


  • t[]=compress:level=40

Convert the image type - .jpg/.gif/.png

This transformation can be used to change the image type. It is not applied like the other transformations, but is triggered when specifying a custom extension to the <image>. Currently Imbo can convert to:

  • image/jpeg
  • image/png
  • image/gif


  • curl http://imbo/users/<user>/images/<image>.gif
  • curl http://imbo/users/<user>/images/<image>.jpg
  • curl http://imbo/users/<user>/images/<image>.png

Crop the image - t[]=crop

This transformation is used to crop the image.


The X coordinate of the cropped region’s top left corner.
The Y coordinate of the cropped region’s top left corner.
The width of the crop in pixels.
The height of the crop in pixels.

The crop mode (optional). Possible values are:

When using the center mode the x and y parameters are ignored, and the center of the cropped area is placed in the center of the original image.
Center the crop on the x-axis. Use the y parameter to control the upper edge of the crop.
Center the crop on the y-axis. Use the x parameter to control the left edge of the crop.


  • t[]=crop:x=10,y=25,width=250,height=150
  • t[]=crop:width=100,height=100,mode=center
  • t[]=crop:width=50,height=50,mode=center-x,y=15
  • t[]=crop:width=50,height=50,mode=center-y,x=15

Make a gray scaled image - t[]=desaturate

This transformation desaturates the image (in practice, gray scales it).


  • t[]=desaturate

Make a mirror image - t[]=flipHorizontally

This transformation flips the image horizontally.


  • t[]=flipHorizontally

Flip the image upside down - t[]=flipVertically

This transformation flips the image vertically.


  • t[]=flipVertically

Enforce a max size of an image - t[]=maxSize

This transformation will resize the image using the original aspect ratio. Two parameters are supported and at least one of them must be supplied to apply the transformation.

Note the difference from the resize transformation: given both width and height, the resulting image will not be the same width and height as specified unless the aspect ratio is the same.


The max width of the resulting image in pixels. If not specified the width will be calculated using the same aspect ratio as the original image.
The max height of the resulting image in pixels. If not specified the height will be calculated using the same aspect ratio as the original image.


  • t[]=maxSize:width=100
  • t[]=maxSize:height=100
  • t[]=maxSize:width=100,height=50

Modulate the image - t[]=modulate

This transformation can be used to control the brightness, saturation and hue of the image.


Brightness of the image in percent. Defaults to 100.
Saturation of the image in percent. Defaults to 100.
Hue percentage. Defaults to 100.


  • t[]=modulate:b=150
  • t[]=modulate:b=120,s=130,h=90

Make a progressive image - t[]=progressive

This transformation makes the image progressive.


  • t[]=progressive

Resize the image - t[]=resize

This transformation will resize the image. Two parameters are supported and at least one of them must be supplied to apply the transformation.


The width of the resulting image in pixels. If not specified the width will be calculated using the same aspect ratio as the original image.
The height of the resulting image in pixels. If not specified the height will be calculated using the same aspect ratio as the original image.


  • t[]=resize:width=100
  • t[]=resize:height=100
  • t[]=resize:width=100,height=50

Rotate the image - t[]=rotate

This transformation will rotate the image clock-wise.


The number of degrees to rotate the image (clock-wise).
Background color in hexadecimal. Defaults to 000000 (also supports short values like f00 (ff0000)).


  • t[]=rotate:angle=90
  • t[]=rotate:angle=45,bg=fff

Apply a sepia color tone - t[]=sepia

This transformation will apply a sepia color tone transformation to the image.


Threshold ranges from 0 to QuantumRange and is a measure of the extent of the sepia toning. Defaults to 80


  • t[]=sepia
  • t[]=sepia:threshold=70

Strip image properties and comments - t[]=strip

This transformation removes all properties and comments from the image. If you want to strip EXIF tags from the image for instance, this transformation will do that for you.


  • t[]=strip

Create a thumbnail of the image - t[]=thumbnail

This transformation creates a thumbnail of <image>.


Width of the thumbnail in pixels. Defaults to 50.
Height of the thumbnail in pixels. Defaults to 50.
Fit style. Possible values are: inset or outbound. Default to outbound.


  • t[]=thumbnail
  • t[]=thumbnail:width=20,height=20,fit=inset

Create a vertical mirror image - t[]=transpose

This transformation transposes the image.


  • t[]=transpose

Create a horizontal mirror image - t[]=transverse

This transformation transverses the image.


  • t[]=transverse

Add a watermark to the image - t[]=watermark

This transformation can be used to apply a watermark on top of the original image.


Image identifier of the image to apply as watermark. Can be set to a default value in configuration by using <setDefaultImage>.
Width of the watermark image in pixels. If omitted the width of <img> will be used.
Height of the watermark image in pixels. If omitted the height of <img> will be used.
The placement of the watermark image. top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right and center are available values. Defaults to top-left.
Number of pixels in the X-axis the watermark image should be offset from the original position (defined by the position parameter). Supports negative numbers. Defaults to 0
Number of pixels in the Y-axis the watermark image should be offset from the original position (defined by the position parameter). Supports negative numbers. Defaults to 0


  • t[]=watermark:img=f5f7851c40e2b76a01af9482f67bbf3f
  • t[]=watermark:img=f5f7851c40e2b76a01af9482f67bbf3f,width=200,x=5
  • t[]=watermark:img=f5f7851c40e2b76a01af9482f67bbf3f,height=50,x=-5,y=-5,position=bottom-right

If you want to set the default watermark image you will have to do so in the configuration:

return array(
    // ...

    'eventListeners' => array(
        'watermark' => function() {
            $transformation = new Imbo\Image\Transformation\Watermark();
            $transformation->setDefaultImage('some image identifier');

            return $transformation;

    // ...

When you have specified a default watermark image you are not required to use the img option for the transformation, but if you do so it will override the default one.